Tarikh-e Beyhaqi

Tārīkh-e Bayhaqī is a history of the Ghaznavids Empire written by Abul-Fazl Bayhaqi in Persian in the 11th century CE.[1]

The work is believed to have consisted of thirty books, of which only six books remain.[2]

The main topic of the remaining books is the reign of Mas'ud I.[3] In addition to reporting political events, Tarikh-e Bayhaqi reports on geographical places and on the history of the Persian literature by mentioning notable writers and poets of the time. It is also well known for its rich use of language.

Modern era

K. Allin Luther compared the epistomology of Bayhaqi's "History" to later Seljuq historians and advices a rhetorical approach to the Tarikh-i Bayhaqi. Marilyn Waldman also recommends a rhetorical approach through speech act theory, yet does not give a comprehensive break down of the text. Julie Scott Meisami also points to the analytical nature of the "History" and places Bayhaqi among the historians of the Islamic renaissance.[4]


  1. ^ Truths and Lies: Irony and Intrigue in the Tārīkh-i Bayhaqī, Soheila Amirsoleimani, Iranian Studies, Vol. 32, No. 2, The Uses of Guile: Literary and Historical Moments (Spring, 1999), 243.
  2. ^ Abu 'L-fadl Al-Bayhaqi, Louise Marlow, Medieval Islamic Civilization: An Encyclopedia, Ed. Josef W. Meri, (Taylor & Francis Group, 2008), 8.
  3. ^ Truths and Lies: Irony and Intrigue in the Tārīkh-i Bayhaqī, Soheila Amirsoleimani, 244.
  4. ^ Truths and Lies: Irony and Intrigue in the Tārīkh-i Bayhaqī, Soheila Amirsoleimani, 244-245.